Types of Computer
According to the size , memory and processing Computers can be categorized in several ways. For Example Some computers for designed for use by one person, some are meant to used by groups of people ,computers built with different sizes and capacities in terms of processing speed, memory and cost to meet these requirements.

1.      Micro Computers. 
a.      Desktop Computers
b.      Notebook Computers
c.       Handheld Pc’s
2.      Mini Computers.
3.      Main Frame Computers.
4.      Super Computers.

1. Micro Computers :  The Smallest general purpose computers available can be grouped under the category of micro computers or personal computers. These computers are basically designed to be used by a single user for small establishments. These computers will have relatively small memory in processing speed and low cost. The size of micro computers will be very small .

2. Mini Computers :   The computers designed to be used by a small group simultaneously is known as a mini computer. Since more people are expected to simultaneously use this machine, it is clearly, that the memory and processing speed will have to be greater than a micro computer.

3. Mainframe Computers : Mainframe computers are much larger computers than mini computers with higher memory, speed and of course cost. This is also acts multi user system where about 200 maximum users may operate simultaneously.

4. Super Computers :    The super computer is the fastest of all the computers with a minimum speed of about 800 million instructions per second. This computer is also a multi user. The very high cost of this machine, it is exclusively used in the organization where the speed is criteria. In India, these computers are employed in weather Forecasting, Defense establishments etc.