Software Agent

An agent can be defined as one that acts or exerts power . It cand be an autonomous , intelligent , collaborative ,adaptive , computational entity. Here , intelligence is the ability to infer and execute needed actions , and seek and incorporate relevant information, give certain goals.

Information access and navigation are today’s major applications of software agents in the intranet , the internet and extranet worlds, but there are other reasons why technology is expected to grow rapidly.

1.Mundanepersonal activity :
2.Search and retrieval
3. Repetitive office activity
4.Decision support
5.Domain experts.

Classification of Software Agents  :

Collaborative Agents

collaborative agents emphasise autonomy and cooperation (with other agents) in order to perform tasks for their owners. They may learn, but this aspect is not typically a major emphasis of their operation. In order to have a coordinated set up of collaborative agents, they may have to negotiate in order to reach mutually acceptable agreements on some matters. 

Interface Agents:

Interface agents emphasise autonomy and learning in order to perform tasks for their owners. Pattie Maes, a key proponent of this class of agents, points out that the key metaphor underlying interface agents is that of a personal assistant who is collaborating with the user in the same work environment.

Mobile Agents:

Mobile agents are computational software processes capable of roaming wide area networks (WANs) such as the WWW, interacting with foreign hosts, gathering information on behalf of its owner and coming  back home having performed the duties set by its user. These duties may range from a flight reservation to managing a telecommunications network. However, mobility is neither a necessary nor sufficient condition for agent hood.

Information/Internet Agents:

Information agents have come about because of the sheer demand for tools to help us manage the explosive growth of information we are experiencing currently, and which we will continue to experience henceforth. Information agents perform the role of managing, manipulating or collating information from many distributed sources.


Reactive Software Agents:

Reactive agents represent a special category of agents which do not possess internal, symbolic models of their environments; instead they act/respond in a stimulus-response manner to the present state of the environment in which they are embedded. Reactive agents work dates back to research such as Brooks (1986) and Agre & Chapman (1987), but many theories, architectures and languages for these sorts of agents have been developed since.

Hybrid Agents: 

The debates as to which of them is ëbetterí are rather academic, and frankly, sterile - and rather too early to get into. Since each type has (or promises) its own strengths and deficiencies, the trick (as always) is to maximise the strengths and minimise the deficiencies of the most relevant technique for your particular purpose

Heterogeneous Agent Systems:

Heterogeneous agent systems, unlike hybrid systems described in the preceding section, refers to an integrated set-up of at least two or more agents which belong to two or more different agent classes. A heterogeneous agent system may also contain one or more hybrid agents. As for the other classes, we next discuss their motivation, benefit, how they work, an example and some challenges.

Smart Agents

Smart Agents are those agents which can learn ,cooperate and are autonouous . In away all agents are smart . But for out understanding ,when these three qualities are combined in an agent , we call it smart .