# Characteristics of Computers:

Accuracy: Computer systems always produce accurate results with valid data and instruction. In simpler terms, one cannot expect correct and accurate results when the instruction set to manipulate the data is incorrect to the data which user is putting in is wrong . So the computers never make a mistake.

Speed: Computers can process millions of instructions per seconds thus carrying out even the complex tasks in fraction of seconds . The speed of computers is increasing day by day and thus generally the speed of computers is measured in terms of microseconds (10-6) ,nanoseconds(10-9) , and picoseconds(10-12) .

Versatility: Versatility means that computers can do a variety of jobs depending upon the instructions fed to them and their hardware characteristics . it is one of the most wonderful feature of the computers that they are not only capable of handling complex arithmetical problem, but can do equally well other number of jobs.

Storage: A Computer can store and recall information as and when required and can be retained as long as desired by the user, Computer doesn’t make any guess or approximation .It is dependent upon the user to make a computer forger a particular information .

Intellectual Power : Computer doesn’t possess any intellectual power , only a user can determine what tasks a computer can perform as computer can’t take it’s own decisions. Some Artificial intelligence has been introduced by involving some pattern matching algorithms so that computer can take some decision. 

Although the computer is one of the most powerful tools ever developed, it is just a machine. A computer appears to be far more intelligent and informed than human beings but the fact is, it cannot perform any task on its own. A computer does not have a brain like we do. We need to give the computer an instruction on exactly what is has to do. Computers cannot think on their own. They need clear instructions to perform and task.
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